Tuesday 3 February 2015

Year 10 Target Audience

Who would watch your film?

Media products are designed carefully to appeal to specific, carefully chosen groups of people. Knowing you audience well is key to making your product a success in terms of profit, so companies spend money and time getting it right.


Task: Create your own version of an audience profile for your new film.
Use the following bullet points to help you:
  • Demographics - age, gender, occupation.
  • Lifestyle - how do your audience spend their time and money? Where do they live and who do they share their lives with?
  • Aspirations - what do they dream of doing with their lives? What inspires them?
  • Likes and dislikes - clothes, music, media, film. What are their hobbies and interests?

Who is watching film in the UK?

How many teenagers watch film and what appeals to them? Here is a powerpoint full of statistics which proves how important target audience research is to the film industry. How do you think media outlets use this information to decide what film will sell?

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