Tuesday 23 February 2016

TV Comedy Exam Questions

Answer both the questions below. You have the whole lesson.

4. (a) Compare how and why two programmes were scheduled on different channels.

State the day, time and channel of each programme.
Who commissioned the programmes?
Who produced them?
What audience are they aimed at? Why?
Why are they on at that time and on that channel? Link to 'type' of comedy and target audience.
Are they on after the watershed? Why?
Know the audience demographic
You must know:
for both programmes (Friday Night Dinner and Bad Education).

4. (b) Discuss in detail how one programme offers audience pleasures. Give examples from the programme. [15 marks]

The pleasures are:
narrative pleasures such as those of narrative resolution,
character identification, snowballing narrative, suspense, comedy, and so on
pleasures of recognition, familiarity and anticipation
pleasures of difference-within-repetition
performance unpredictability and spontaneity
transgressive pleasures
specific pleasures associated with performers or personalities.
Remember to include clear examples from the TV comedy you decide to write about.

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