Tuesday 15 March 2016

The Hurt Locker Task

Lesson 1 (Tuesday 15th March)

Watch the clip in the post below.
Make notes for all the questions.
Use the terminology where appropriate.


Answer the questions.
Use the terminology where appropriate.

DEADLINE: You need to complete this by Tuesday 22nd March. Post it on your blog or email your work in as a Word document.

The Exam Questions

Q 1. Explain two ways the characters and/ or events fit the action adventure genre.

Use examples from the extract. [10 marks]

Layout as follows:
Explanation 1...
Explanation 2...

Q2. Explain how each of the following is used to create effects:
mise en scene
Use examples from the extract. [30 marks]

Q 3. Discuss the ways in which people are represented in the extract.

Refer to stereotypes in your answer.
Use examples from the extract. [20 marks]

1 comment:

  1. Audie Murphy watch32 movies has no place in the Locker, except for its unfitting end. The bomb disposal niche coupled with the personal feel created by the indie origin of this movie help separate it from the many 'hero story'...'political statement generated tragedy'...and 'go America' war flicks in existence.

    The ending of this movie seems like it has a behind the scenes story involving studio executives, timing, and the makers selling options proposed to studios/distributors. The ending could have been so much more watch swiss army man online free and it actually does not fit in with some of the body of the picture. To try and put a rah rah...support our troops ending on a movie that spent over an hour creating a totally different feel was awkward. Even the music in the last minute did not fit. The last time I watched this movie I stopped it before the last few scenes/45-60 seconds and it was much improved.

    This is a good movie, but not `Best Picture good'. It won Best Picture because of luck. It was released in the worst year for movies in my lifetime. If you want a `Best Picture Good' war movie, just watch `Platoon'. Even though Hurt Locker is over-rated, it is a cool movie and I obviously chose to add this Blu-ray to my collection.
